Pranic ‘Distant’ Healing for All Areas of Your Life

Dana-Sofie is an accomplished author, speaker, publisher and online entrepreneur who specialises in feminine cyclicity and the menstrual cycle. She lives in the Czech Republic, and similar to most people, felt burnout in her personal and professional life. This affected her physical and emotional health, as well as her mental wellbeing.

Chronic Sinusitis

Christina West had completely lost her sense of smell just over ten years ago. She had chronic sinus conditions that included painful sinuses and multiple surgeries that didn’t provide any lasting relief. Learn how Pranic Healing has helped her to regain her sense of smell, and on top of that, she is feeling better than she has ever felt before!

Meditation on Twin Hearts & Healing

by JKL, London ENGLAND (lawyer)

“Allison introduced me to Pranic Healing about a year ago when I was interested in Reiki healing that I was doing personally. I was very much interested in healing my own chakras and emotional traumas to become a better version of myself. We did the Twin Hearts Meditation together, and I decided to take on the 30-day challenge. It was hard at first, however I stayed with it and completed the challenge. At the end of the challenge, I was more calm and relaxed and less likely to have fits of anger or anxiety at work. My coworkers and friends noticed the change in my behaviour and I know it’s all because of the healing that occurs during the Twin Hearts. During the lockdown, I have been attending the weekly online group meditations on Thursdays, along with meditating every morning to Twin Hearts. I have noticed how much more powerful the group sessions have become. I have felt my crown and heart chakras vibrating more and I’m feeling more light and peaceful. I also enjoy better sleep after the group mediation sessions. They have made a world of difference during this difficult time. Yesterday I had hip pains before the Thursday meditation and Allison performed some Pranic Healing on the area remotely, and this morning my hip pain has completely vanished! Thank you.“

Taster Treatment (10 minutes) - chronic sinusitis

Christina, Surrey ENGLAND

“I had a very successful taster session with Allison. I had blocked sinuses for a long time beforehand and afterwards for about three weeks, I had all my senses of smell and taste restored. It truly cleared congestion in my sinuses which surprised me. I’m looking forward to having a full session as I really believe this worked for me.”

Stress & Emotional Trauma (marriage breakdown)

Jessica, Surrey ENGLAND

“I joined Allison’s Tuesday morning meditation group earlier in the year and really enjoyed the experience – even a weekly meditation proved to be very beneficial to my life. I started healing sessions just before lockdown and have since had another four sessions distantly via Zoom video. I was desperate for some help as my 25 year marriage had recently imploded and there were many feelings of anger, resentment, sadness and grief. After one session I truly felt more positive and since then have felt the benefits after each session. The resentment and anger have definitely shifted. Some days and weeks are better than others, but my approach to situations has become far less reactive and I am keeping the positive energy going. Allison’s pre-healing chats and advice have been invaluable as well.”

Taster Treatment (10 minutes) - knee pain

Sue, Suffolk ENGLAND

“The taster healing was something of a miracle with the excruciating pain that kept me awake at night and prevented me from sitting with knees bent in the passenger seat of a car has been ‘banished’!” Two months on…. Hi Allison, today my knee surgeon’s secretary phoned to re-book my appointment for keyhole surgery. The intense pain in my right knee was diagnosed as ‘degenerative arthritis’ and woke me up in the night. Two months on, from your healing session, I’m still pain free with the chronic pain gone and sleeping 8-10 hours per night. And you’ll recall I couldn’t even bend my knee when I arrived at your session. Sally (knee surgeon) was very surprised but delighted! I’ve discharged myself today. Thank you so much for this miraculous healing session… ~Sue

Grief & Trauma (Loss of a child)

Jo Roche, Ascot ENGLAND

“Where did my journey of receiving some Pranic Healing start?? I remember saying out loud to the universe that I want my energy back. I was in such a state of grief after the sad death of my son as well as the break down in my relationship. This left me homeless, and under this extreme stress and grief, I also lost my job. It’s fair to say that I was exhausted, both mentally and physically. I am aware of the power of healing energy and this has always intrigued me. So I knew that my energies were full of debris, from my own grief, but also from the energy we collect in daily life. When a friend recommended Pranic Healing with Allison, after a session with her, I felt the universe had answered my call. After having a lovely conversation with Allison all about Pranic Healing, I decided to book myself six sessions. On my first session, I was warmly welcomed by Allison’s friendly face. She showed me to a comfy chair, and I just relaxed and closed my eyes and she began her healing work. I can honestly say for the first three sessions, I questioned what the healing was doing. I didn’t feel fantastic, a lot of emotions I had been struggling with were brought to the surface for me to address. I trusted the process even though it was uncomfortable and somewhat challenging at times. But from the fourth session through to the sixth session, I felt an amazing transformation within myself. I was lighter, more uplifted than I had been in such a long time. My energy increased and I was no longer in such a dark place anymore. I cannot recommend Allison and Pranic Healing enough. Thank you again Allison for everything. Xx”

Hypertension/High Blood Pressure (hereditary)

Mimi, Ontario CANADA

“Last March, my doctor told me that I have to be on High Blood Pressure Meds because it’s hereditary in my family. I wanted to try a different “natural” method to avoid taking these meds for the rest of my life. I reached out to Allison and wanted her to try Pranic Healing on me. The first time Allison did a session on me was an experience I’ve never ever felt before. She kept me calm which made me fully trust in her guidance. Ten minutes into the session, I was able to feel a strong energy coming from the middle of my body spreading out to my arms and legs. My hands were very warm and I felt a tingling sensation all over my body. I kept my deep breathing going and continued to feel the warm energy through my body with flashes of light in my mind. When it was over, she told me to open my eyes and I felt more alive than ever. It was definitely a feeling that I had never felt before. She now works on me on a weekly basis and from my first treatment to now, three months later, I now only take half a pill and am working towards my “no meds” life in 6 months. I’m very positive and can’t wait. Thanks so much Allison for changing my life.”

Chronic Hip Pain

Gina, Maidenhead ENGLAND

“About a year ago, I started to develop a pain around my hip area. I had no idea how this happened as I didn’t remember injuring myself exercising, or had anything happen in my day to day. I tried doing exercises myself to relieve the pain, but after a few weeks they didn’t seem to be doing anything. My hip had now started to ache on a daily basis. Allison started treating me every two weeks. In the first few sessions, I could feel something happening and felt a warmth in my hip area. Within a few months my pain had reduced significantly. I continued my sessions with Allison less frequently afterwards, and I can happily say that I no longer feel any pain at all. Allison always listened patiently in how I was feeling and consistently logged my progress. I am so pleased to this day I was open to Pranic Healing and for Allison’s help.”

Post-Surgery (reconstruction)

Carolyn M, Maidenhead ENGLAND

“I underwent reconstruction surgery in hospital a few months ago. This was the final part of my treatment following breast cancer, mastectomy, chemo and radiotherapy two years ago. I was advised by my surgeon that healing from the reconstruction would take several weeks and that I should probably refrain from driving for at least 2-3 weeks. After returning home I was quite sore and Allison offered pranic healing so I was very keen to try it. I had regular healing sessions for a few days which were very relaxing. I was able to drive after just a week, the soreness diminished quickly and my surgeon was delighted with the speed of recovery. I was so impressed and excited that I have now started to learn pranic healing myself and recently completed level 1. Thank you, Allison.

Gastronomical Issues / Stress & Anxiety

Patsy K, Ontario CANADA (dentist)

“I used to be skeptical about whether Pranic Healing really works, but after having different treatments done by Allison, I no longer have any doubts. Allison is attentive and careful with details and she easily pinpointed my problem areas. I had many problems which Allison treated with success. One of the more notable sessions was when Allison treated my digestive issues. I had bloating and heartburn for many months that wasn’t resolving with medication. During the treatment, I could feel a tingly sensation and movement in my abdomen and I was able to burp to release gas. I’m happy to say that I haven’t had any problems with my stomach since I was treated. More recently, I have been under a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety. I felt like my head was heavy and muddy, and the room I was in was dark and uncomfortable. I sent Allison a message and she treated me distantly from her home. She told me to breathe deeply. I felt my head lighten and I felt the room become brighter. My head became clearer and I felt a sense of calm. Then I felt a cold sensation running down my arms and legs. I have since felt clearer and calmer, and able to cope better with my stress. Pranic Healing is effective and may be used in conjunction or alternative to other medical treatments. I highly recommend Allison to all my friends and relatives.”