Case Study: ADHD Treatment for an 8-year old boy

I met Rachael last December just after my boys begged me to have Freddie over for a play date. They had started Year 3 in a new school and were eager to invite friends over during the Christmas break. Rachael was really friendly and we chatted briefly as she dropped him off. Her hands were full with Freddie's two younger brothers so she didn't stay long and informed me that her husband would be picking him up later that afternoon.

When her husband arrived, I told him how the boys had a lovely time and how Freddie was so well-behaved. He then told me that Freddie had severe ADHD. I was quite surprised as I didn't notice any behavioural issues at all. Apparently, his medication was quite strong and would keep him calm for the day. But when it wore off, his condition and the side effects were quite extreme.

Freddie was first diagnosed with ADHD about a year ago when he was seven years old. The school was concerned about his learning compared to that of other children his age, as well as his behaviour in class. Rachael and her husband were called in to meet with the teacher in order to discuss the impact this was having on Freddie at school.  He was subsequently referred to a paediatrician and was immediately diagnosed with severe ADHD and ADD, amongst other related behavioural conditions, including poor motor skills, and difficulty with sensory input. The doctor prescribed medication and the school was consulted in order to monitor his behaviour and to validate the dosage.  

Freddie showed improvement straight away on his tablet,  and this resulted in him being much happier in school. He found it easier to concentrate which meant he was catching up with other children, ultimately leading to better self-esteem. However, when his medication wore off, it was an extremely difficult transition. 

Weekends were challenging and hard to manage as it was a much different environment to school, which was much more structured and provided constant stimulation. At home, life was more free-flowing and flexible. This meant that when he was on medication at home, he needed more continuous stimulation during the day, which wasn't the case. So often he would be frustrated with himself and tell his parents, "This doesn't feel right" "I hate feeling like this" and "What's wrong with me?". He also got very low and depressed and this would lead to self-loathing and even self-harm.

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and affects over 5% of children globally and is on a steady rise. In the U.S., over 6.1 million children (under the age of 18) were diagnosed; many will continue to live with their conditions into adulthood. Although more prevalent in boys, there are now increasing rates of diagnosis amongst girls, as well as adult women.  Hyperactivity is a common way people tend to categorise ADHD children, but not all will demonstrate this trait and there are many other behavioural issues and symptoms that may develop, including:

  • Easily distracted
  • Doesn't follow directions or finish tasks
  • Doesn't appear to be listening
  • Doesn't pay attention and makes careless mistakes
  • Forgets about daily activities
  • Has problems organising daily tasks
  •  Doesn't like to do things that require sitting still
  •  Often loses things
  • Tends to daydream

If left untreated, symptoms can worsen and lead to poor social skills, inability to complete daily tasks, low self-esteem and even depression. Relationships also tend to be strained, but with regular medication and therapy, the symptoms can be managed. Research shows that two-thirds of children who are diagnosed with ADHD will continue with the condition into adulthood. Although, recent studies suggest that ADHD doesn't disappear just because symptoms become less obvious - its effect on the brain lingers.

Just after Christmas, I decided to have a conversation with Rachael about Pranic Healing and asked her if it was ok for me to do distant treatments on Freddie. She was very open to this despite not having any prior knowledge or experience with any non-conventional therapies. I assured her that it was safe and that Freddie didn't even need to know and could just continue with his daily routine. She agreed and said that she would let me know if she noticed any changes.

On January 8th, 2019, I started to treat Freddie with Pranic Healing, three times per week. I first noticed that his lower chakras were over-activated which was typical for this condition. Chakras are the body's energy centres that correspond to different parts of the body and each controls physical functions and organs of the body as well as emotional functions. If the energetic blueprint of the body isn't balanced due to the malfunctioning of any one or more of the chakras, then the body will not be able to feed sufficient energy to the body and organs, and eventually lead to a physical or emotional ailment.

Only two weeks after the first treatment, I could already feel a difference in Freddie's lower chakras. Although still over-activated, I could tell that they weren't as extreme and starting to become more balanced. Just over a month after starting the first treatment, I felt that Freddie's lower chakras were not over-activated and balanced before I even started treatment. For the following month, I would feel some days where his lower chakras were normal and balanced, and some were only slightly over-activated. I knew there was something happening and continued the treatment at the same frequency. 

Two months after the first treatment, I was feeling quite confident that his lower chakras were consistently balanced, so decided to tell Rachael. I wanted to get some feedback from her and at this point, also wanted her to pay closer attention to Freddie's day-to-day behaviour.

On March 26th, Rachael left me a voice message. I was thrilled with her feedback and it was consistent with what I was sensing and feeling in my treatments. It had only been two months (or 24 treatments) after the initial treatment and Rachael, her husband and even her parents were noticing significant changes in Freddie's behaviour.  (click  to listen to voice message).

Today, I am continuing treatments on Freddie but only once every two weeks. I can still feel that his lower chakras have remained balanced despite the treatments being less frequent. The family have noticed a much-improved relationship with Freddie, and that between Freddie and his brothers. At school, the medication continues to prove effective and helps him to concentrate in classes. However, the improvement is particularly evident after school and on weekends when he isn't on any medication at all. Rachael describes the changes as Freddie just being generally more 'chilled out' and calmer overall. He interacts well with his brothers and at times even tries to help diffuse difficult moments by acting as a 'big brother' to assist mum with the handling of his two younger brothers. Obviously, he is still an eight-year-old boy who will at times act up and be disruptive, but the key now is the fact that Freddie has recently been able to reflect on his own behaviour and even apologises when behaving badly - something that wouldn't have even been possible just a couple of months ago. 

Pranic healing is a complementary therapy based on scientific research that is now becoming much more prevalent in the Western world. The theories have been around for thousands of years and practiced by many cultures and ancient civilisations. One of the key principles and why it is proven to be so effective in many cases, is due to the fact that health conditions (physical or emotionally based) are assessed and treated at the source and not just at the symptomatic level. This doesn't mean to say that it should replace more conventional therapies, but rather can enhance them for optimal and lasting results. In the case of Freddie and his diagnosis of severe ADHD, his medication proved to be very effective in handling his day-to-day behaviour and concentration levels. This, coupled with Pranic Healing treatments, has helped to address his energetic imbalances as well. However, further assessments with his doctor will be required to adjust his medication and hopefully result in the eventual reduction or even possible elimination of the drugs. In the meantime, it is wonderful to know that Freddie and his family life have noticeably improved, as has Freddie's overall emotional health and well-being.