What is Ancestral Healing?

Ancestral Healing, also known as Generational Healing, is the process of clearing emotional, energetic, and karmic patterns passed down through your family lineage. Just as we inherit physical traits from our ancestors, we also inherit beliefs, traumas, and energetic imprints that can unconsciously shape our lives. These inherited patterns may manifest as limiting beliefs, recurring life challenges, emotional wounds, or even physical ailments. By identifying and releasing these ancestral burdens, you free yourself from cycles of struggle and open the path to greater clarity, empowerment, and well-being.

Through deep energetic work, Ancestral Healing helps you break free from unconscious programming and restore harmony within your lineage. This process not only transforms your life but also creates a ripple effect, bringing healing to past and future generations. Whether you feel weighed down by family patterns, unexplained fears, or emotional blocks that don’t seem to originate from your own experiences, Generational Healing can help you clear these imprints, reclaim your personal power, and step into a more aligned and authentic version of yourself.

How does it work?

This is an interactive healing session that can be done remotely, but your presence is required to fully experience the process. During the session, I will guide you through a combination of meditation, breathwork, and visualization to access and clear ancestral energy patterns. Since this is purely energy work, you don’t need to bring anything—just find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Together, we will work to release inherited blocks, restore balance, and create space for new, empowered possibilities in your life.

I incorporate a practice called Ho'oponopono, a Hawaiian practice of forgiveness, reconciliation, and compassion. It's based on the idea that everyone is connected and that negative emotions can cause problems. The word "ho'oponopono" roughly translates to "make things right" or "cause things to move back into balance". 

Tithing is also part of the session, which will be in addition to the session fees. This would be the amount of your choice to any charity or cause that relates to your family pattern. We will discuss this in more detail prior to your session.

And finally, if you can think of a specific pattern that you believe needs to be addressed, then please do provide examples of this. There may be more than one pattern present running through your ancestral line. Each session will address ONE of these major patterns. As inherited programming runs deep, it is recommended that a series of sessions are booked, as the analogy of healing is similar to that of peeling an onion - there are many layers and sometimes as you heal, other patterns or wounds will come to the surface, so it's important to heal each layer.

I recommend a series of 4 sessions, with each session one week apart. You can view my Pricing here. And if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Ancestral Healing Testimonial

Dana-Sofie Šlancarová

publisher, writer, expert in women’s cycles

I’ve been receiving healings from Allison for quite some time now, and they’ve always brought huge results. So when she offered me an ancestral healing session, I was immediately all in. We worked on clearing seven generations on both my mother’s and father’s sides. Since I have my family trees, I was able to say the names of my ancestors, and even though I had never met them, I could feel their energy in the room. At first, the process felt really intense, but with each generation, it became clearer and lighter. I could feel huge shifts happening and layers being released. By the end, I felt an immense sense of relief. But what matters most to me is that ever since the healing, my parents seem so much better—more vital, healthier, and with a renewed passion for life. Seeing this change in them is something I’m incredibly grateful for! I can wholeheartedly recommend this particular healing from Allison—it truly works like magic!